Keep On Keepin On

Hey Everybody,
Happy New Year to everybody. 2009 was actually pretty good. I can't believe i'm writing that. I've become so accustom to saying..." Maybe next year will be the year " it comes from a long history of being a Chicago Cubs fan. Slaid Cleeves says it best when he sings " Just give me one good year, to get my feet back on the ground. I've been chasin' grace, but grace aint' so easily found "  Well put Slaid.
Things are getting pretty busy around here. Been writing like a feind. Recording a bunch of new stuff which i've been putting up on Monday Morning Madness......Got a few shows with Heather this week at The Underground Wonderbar and ( WGN news at Noon CDT, check Local Listings)then a national tv show on monday, then heading to LA tuesday for a few shows and then coming back friday for another show in Chicago. Really appreciate the support and feedback from Monday Morning Madness. Wish that Pauper Sky was a little more active, now that i'm being more active it seems that everybody has gone away. Looking forward to my East Coast run in Feb.and seeing some folks i haven't seen in a while.  If you think of it call your local radio station and request a mcd song....the station listings are on this website.....we made it easy for you.
Hope you have a great week.
Talk soon

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