The Dream Of The Pink Rabbit

 I play with my daughter and i think about ways to spark her i take her pink rabbit and i pretend its alive.......staving off the idea that its an inantimate object......before she becomes disillusioned to realize the dream before her is an illusion.......i started thinking just today that my life is much like this exercise i do with my daughter, life is an illusion......i have kept myself at bay from my real dream,.....which to this day i'm not even sure what it is........i know i'm good at one thing.....and if you are reading this you must agree with me........but seeing a little self or recreation of myself going for this pink rabbit i couldn't help but think( and pardon my carrie bradshaw here)......i'm no different from her....i'd love to stop her from having that dream or that illusion that , that pink rabbit is real......cuz its not.....but i want her to think that it is.....much in the same way i want to believe that, i am that type of songwriter that is so good that, my parents won't die,.....that my daughter is always going to be safe,.....that i will always seem noble in the eyes of my wife and daughter.......but i know none of that will ever tonight......i hate pink rabbit's...